​XXX Membership unlocks all these incredible benefits!
1 week free trial!**
Saturday Social Touch Games
Weekly Training Sessions
Access to the Triple X Series
Access to Touch NL community, training and try-outs
Access to European Tournaments
Coaching and refereeing opportunities
Access to members chat
Social Events
XXX Stash and more!
Not sure? Come and try out a Saturday social session!
Send us a message via the contact page or slide in to our DM's over on Instagram.
*Membership valid for one calendar year (Jan-Dec) and resets on 01 January.
**Free trial is for new members, after the second training session we ask if you would like to sign up for membership
***Insurance is the player's own responsibility and is not included with club membership
XXX Amsterdam Touch is a non-profit organisation (stichting, KvK 59762195) run by the members of the club. Income from membership fees, donations, sponsorship and tournaments are used to meet the expenses of the club's operations and encourage participation and development of the sport.