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Monthly Newsletter - June & July 22

Writer's picture: xxxamsterdamtouchxxxamsterdamtouch


  • Player of the Month - June & July 22

  • Referees

  • Training

  • Touch'n'Tulips volunteers

  • New members

  • Feature articles: tournament season

  • Sign ups + 2022 club calendar


June's MVP

Some say she doesn't sleep. Others say she naps in the sub box. Whatever she does, she's definitely brought a veil of talent with her to Amsterdam. Although she's a long term touch player in her school days, her time at Amsterdam has broadened her ability to play with a mix of all different nationalities and ages.

Be careful not to cross this player or she may take your teeth out - just ask Regan. She also has a mean dive which seems to get through the tightest of defences, rumour has it she's teaching Alvaro's child these techniques.

Now enjoying a well deserved holiday after finishing a decent (debut) summer tournament season including 2 women's tournaments, this months MVP is:

🎖️ Jess🎖️

Queen of the disposable cameras

This month's award includes a travel voucher from our club sponsor Stoke Travel Company.


July's MVP

A relatively new player and not your typical touchie. Currently challenging Kevin for the long term title of "The Professor", if you're not careful you may end up having a deep conversation about elemental physics and the existence of dark matter itself.

This player has also ticked off a challenging and fruitful (debut) summer tournament season in Berlin and Paris. Focus and his ability to listen to his teammates is his specialty and when he taps into this the results come hard and fast.

Bringing a strong arsenal of road-trip entertainment, this months MVP:

🎖️ Jay 🎖️

E = m.c^(xxx)

This month's award includes a travel voucher from our club sponsor Stoke Travel Company.



Progress on the reffing front:

  • Irvin and Eric travelled to Belgium to take a level 2 referee course!

  • Mae and Lindsay took a level 1 course!




  • 32 short: hit your holes. Can't remember what your holes are? Ask around :D

  • 33 back door. Keep trying it out in a game style environment (under pressure).

    • These were implemented in the tournaments and are beginning to become second nature.

  • 2nd phase play off the above moves;


  • Teams are made! the foxes and the badgers. Preparation for Touch and Tulips 2022 is beginning, your teammates need you at training.


Touch 'n Tulips

We need your help!

TnT is our main club event, that helps XXX Amsterdam shine throughout Europe. It is also a great day-event to promote our city, our club, our sport and our people. All players can lend a hand.

We need help with dinner! We'll be asking the players to help cook on the night, time to show off your BBQ skillz.

The tournament committee will be asking people to help out with the following tasks:

  • Host a ref: we are aiming to have the whole tournament supported by full time refs - a BIG step for Touch n Tulips. As part of EU touch, it is custom to offer a couch to a ref, these officials are under a lot of pressure this tournament season so please help us with this. Make contact if you would like to support a ref.

  • Food: We are currently looking into catering options as well as a cook-up. We may need help with food prep prior to the event.

  • Gifts: As part of the budget, we will be providing various gifts to the touring teams.

  • Tournament admin: If you can't play or are partially away that day, please come help out!

Tournament comittee Aedan, Eliki, Eddy & Barbs


New member protocol

Get them on board with this info:

  • First and third Wednesday of the month = intro session and lasts for 1 week. After that they can decide to sign up;

  • Always welcome to try social Saturdays - keep an eye on the instagram for announcement;

  • Sign up to training/social events via website calendar (to avoid unforseen cancellations);

  • Membership options and payment on the website.


Feature article:

Touch in Paris (Gif-sur-Yvette) 04-6-2022

Written by Nancy Near-Link

Touch in Paris was a great opportunity for Amsterdam Touch to gather some skill and experience. The participating squad, even though small in size, definitely packed a lot of talent and perseverance. It was far from an easy round around and the Frenchies definitely came in HOT! Despite not securing any wins, this tournament allowed Amsterdam to see the level we have to aspire to achieve in the future.

Captain Schrader was a phenomenal leader this time around! Making sure his entire team kept their composure and pushed till the very end (he even came up with a new team chant - TBA)! Additionally, it was great having coaches Masayo and Chris back traveling with the team. And a further shoutout to Chris for his recovery and great performance in Gif.

Most importantly, Gif MVPs: Aedan Crossan & Mariette Bontkes <3

*Note to all players: Gif tournament had the best food (lunch & dinner) and after-party so far!

An important note to stay focused, dig deep, and always give it your 100%

Never stop chasing!


Feature article:

Elegance Paris Womens Tournament 18-6-2022

Written by Nancy Near-link

In June, the women of XXX Amsterdam headed over to France for their very own all women’s tournament. This is the second all women’s tournament that Amsterdam has taken part in this year AND the first all XXX members female tournament to go to Elegance! The tournament itself was covered in more pink then you could ever imagine.

In terms of game play, this tournament was definitely a step up for the Amsterdam ladies. Contrary to the tournament's name, Elegance, this tournament required all the bronze, brains and beauty we had. The ladies pushed as hard they could and learned a lot along the way. It was one hell of a tough competition that ended in a great boat ride along the rivers of Paris, underneath the sparkling lights of the Eifel tower and we can’t wait to push our boundaries again next year!

Great work and perseverance! Let’s get them next year ladies ✨


Sign ups and calendar

Don't wait for Sign-up Sundays! Sign up to these tournaments as a player or a referee (or both) today:

Away tournaments


2022 club calendar

Current club calendar with input from Touch NL. Subject to change in coordination with club comittee.

Touch 'n Tulips

Date is set: Saturday 20-08-2022

This is our chance to show the rest of Europe what we do and how we welcome touch.


Autumn season TBC.

Touch NL League

Next dates TBC.

🙌 Get involved and sign up! 🙌


Got feedback? Ideas on which we can improve? Let us know:

Until next month

XXX Committee

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