Hi all fellow XXX Amsterdam Touch members,
As shared earlier during the training your committee is bringing to you the long-time-awaited:
A Bi-annual private league for all our registered members, where 5 franchises representing 5 Amsterdam districts will fight for the title. More information below:
A draft will be organised and teams will be made by the Triple X Series management team based on members registration to the league. (see below "Registration")
Players will be assigned to the following teams:
Noord Pirates : Black jersey
Oost Eagles: Blue jersey
West Witches : Red jersey
Centrum Cowboys: White jersey
Zuid Serpents: Green jersey
5 (or 6 depending on the edition) rounds, spread out over 3 months.
1 round is:
1 Saturday morning (replacing the usual game day, same place, same timeslot).
2 - 3 games (all teams will have the same amount of 2 game rounds and 3 game rounds per season).
Games are 2 halves of 11 minutes + 3 min half time break. (25 min per game in total = 40 or 60 min effective game time per round depending on wether your team is referring or not) Schedule of a round looks as follow:
Boots on and team meet-up: 10:15 am
First 2 Games simultaneously : 10.30 until 10.55 am
Second 2 Games simultaneously : 11 until 11.25 am
Third 2 Games simultaneously : 11.30 until 11.55 am Debrief and lemonades : 12.00 pm + (off the pitch)

The 5th team, when not playing, is referring the 2 other games.
Point Scoring:
2 pts for Victory
1 pts for Draw
0 pts for Loss
1 offensive bonus point (wether you win or loose) if the team scores 8 tries or more in the game
2 editions per year will be organised : Spring and Autumn.
The upcoming edition "Triple X Series | Summer 2021" is to celebrate the post lock down times, and to satisfy everyone's hunger for Game Time !
Please keep in mind : This a competitive but casual/friendly league.
To be part of the draft, please register on the event you can see on our website calendar. Register to the event on the 19th June (It will be the 1st Round) by hitting RSVP:
For the following rounds, see the XXX calendar:
Just to clarify, these events are free as they are part of your yearly membership with the club. Thus only club members are eligible to be assigned to a team (see membership tab for sign-up).
We hope you are as excited as we are with this ! Please register and get physically and mentally ready for the upcoming:
The Triple X Series team & the Amsterdam Touch committee
® : Triple X Series is a registered trademark owned by XXX Amsterdam Touch. All 5 Franchises rights belong to the league.